Sept 6 (Tue) - 9:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Hygiene
Miles: 24
Notes: Breakfast stop at Crane Hollow in Hygiene
Route: Ride around McIntosh Lake before the stop in Hygiene
Sept 8 (Thur) - 9:00 am
Sept 5 (Mon) - 9:00 am (Sept Rides start at 9:00 am)
Start: Pearl East
Goal: Louisville
Miles: 33
Notes: 25 miles before food stop.
Route: Up NCAR / Rock Creek / Louisville. 1,700 ft elevation gain
Link to Ride with GPS Map here: MAPS PAGE
Sept 7 - (Wed) - 9:00 am
Start: Stazio Ball Fields (see Starting Locations map for details)
Goal: Lyons (via Apple Valley MAX)
Miles: 45
Notes: Lunch/Snack at Stone Cup
Link to Map:
Sept 9 - (Fri) - 9:00 am
Start: Hwy 66 & 75th (north of Hygiene)
Goal: Loveland
Miles: 35
Notes: Snack/lunch at Perkins
Link to Map:
This group often posts rides just a few hours ahead of ride time. You will need to join the SOB Yahoo Group to receive emails of pending rides.