Easy Riders
Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Apr 26 (Tue) - 10:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Hygiene
Miles: ??
Notes: Lunch at Crane Hollow in Hygiene
Route: TWP north on 63rd, east on Nelson, Crane Hollow to north on 75th to HY 66, east to Airport Rd to bike path around McIntosh bike path to 17th, east to Hygiene and lunch at Crane Hollow Cafe. Should be sunny in the morning with temps in the 50s.
Apr 25 (Mon) - 10:00 am
Start: 75th & CO 66
Goal: Berthoud
Miles: 35
Notes: Lunch at Perkins
Apr 27 - (Wed) - 10:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Lyons
Miles: 38
Notes: Snack/Lunch at Stone Cup
Route: Will do Fruit Loops
Apr 29 - (Fri) - 10:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Louisville
Miles: 40
Notes: Lunch at Bittersweet
Route: North Route
This group often posts rides just a few hours ahead of ride time. You will need to join the SOB Yahoo Group to receive emails of pending rides.