Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Apr 28 (Tues) - 10:00 am
Start: South Boulder Rec Center
Goal: Eldorado Springs
Miles: 21
Route: South on Cherryvale to Marshall, east on Eldorado Springs Drive to Eldorado Springs. Return to eat at Shell Station HY93 =====================================================
April 28 (Tues) - 10:00 am (same ride as Monday)
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Berthoud
Miles: 44 (for 30 mile option below)
Notes: Option to join ride at 75th and Hwy66 at about 10:45AM for 30 miles.
Route: Ride from TWP on 63th, 65th, and St Varain, into Hygiene. Up to Woodland, east to 95th North and into Berthoud Da/Bean.
April 29 - (Wed) - 10:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Hygiene
Miles: 45
Notes: Mary's/Crane Hollow via Macintosh Lake & CR4
May 1 - (Fri) - 9:30 am (note new time for MAY)
Start: SE Corner of 28th & IRIS
Goal: Jamestown via US36 to Lefthand Canyon
Miles: 32
Notes: Lunch at Murphy's back in town.
Apr 28 - (Tue) - 10:30 am (note time)
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Woodland Rd.
Miles: ? (group to determine how far to go)
Notes: Recovery ride
Apr 29 - (Wed) - 10:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Jamestown
Notes: Return - choice of riders.
Stop at Amante (via Lee Hill Rd) or Mary's for snack/lunch. Posted by Peter.
May 1 - (Fri) - 10:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Rabbit Mountain
Notes: Option to add Woodland Loop