Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Apr 7 (Tues) - 10:00 am
Start: Walden Ponds
Goal: Erie for lunch
Miles: 20
Notes: Starting Point: 0.8 mile N on 75th from Valmont.
Park at Wally Toevs Fishing Pond. Well signed.
Route: from Walden Pond, S on 75th to Valmont, E on Valmont to 95th, S to Isabelle, E on Isabelle to 109th, N on 109th to Jasper. Jasper then Jay to Erie. Return with a little variation.
April 6 (Mon) - 10:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Lyons (with optional extension to Rabbit Mountain and/or the Fruit Loops) Gather at Stone Cup for lunch.
Miles: 35 + 8 miles for optional extensions.
Notes: Ride north up 63th through Hygiene, stopping to regroup at the Pella Crossing Park gate (if you want to join us there).
April 8 - (Wed) - 10:00 am
Start: Table Mesa Savers
Goal: Rocky Mountain Metro Airport
Miles: 30
Notes: Very hilly
April 10 - (Fri) - 10:00 am
Start: 75th and CO 66 (north end of Hygiene)
Goal: Berthoud
Miles: 25
Notes: Lunch at Trailhead.
Apr 6 - (Mon) - 10:00 am
Start: Stazio Parking Lot
Goal: Partial Morgul - up to Hwy 93 and turn around
Notes: Airport for lunch. Then return. Posted by Peter
Apr 8 - (Wed) - 10:00 am