Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Sept 4 (Wed) - 9:00 am
Start: Stazio Field
Goal: Hygiene ---> Mary's for brunch
Miles: 26
Notes: Bike path to Valmont to 61st, 61st/63rd to Niwot Rd, Niwot Rd to 73rd, 73rd/75th to Hygiene. Return by same route. Moderate pace, 11-13 mph average.
Route Map: Click HERE to see map.
For questions on this ride: Russ Hayes
Other questions: Joe Baldwin.
Click on name and it will start an email for you.
Sept 6 (Fri) - 9:00 am
Start: Pella Crossing
Goal: Sandstone Ranch ---> same destination as the Pacers (see below)
Miles: 23.2
Notes: Either bring a picnic or we'll stop at Jimmy John's for a sandwich to eat at the picnic.
Route Map: Chick HERE to see map.
For Pacer questions, contact Barbara Bennett via email.
(Just click her name and it will automatically start an email for you.)
Sept 2 (Mon) - 8:30 am
Start: Pella Crossing
Goal: Loveland ---> Perkins
Miles: 42
Notes: Head north towards Masonville then east at Co Rd 20 (W. 1st St.) (Sign just says: 20) before Hwy34, to head east into Loveland.
Sept 4 (Wed) - 9:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Jamestown --> via 63rd and Jay
Miles: 40
Notes: Options: Olde Stage and/or Lee Hill
Sept 6 (Fri) - 9:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Sandstone Ranch --> via Greenway
Miles: 40
Notes: Bring Picnic
Sept 3 (Tue) - 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Time Trial - final of the season
Notes: Time Trial either individual, team or tandem. Teams may have any number of riders. Cool down followed by refreshments at Mary's.
Sept 4 (Wed) -
Sept 6 (Fri) -