May 11 (Wed) -- 9:00am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Amante Coffee House via Hygiene Rd, Total 30 miles
May 13 (Fri) -- 9:00am
Start: Park & Ride near NW corner of I-25 & Hwy 52
Goal: Platteville, Total: 40 miles (970-785-2238)
May 13 (Fri) -- 8:30am at Pearl Park & Ride, 9:00am Tom Watson
Start: East Pearl or Tom Watson Park west side of IBM
Goal: McKintosh Lake Long Loop - 37 miles from Tom Watson Park
Lake loop extended. North through Hygiene to County road 4 and back south around Mckintosh Lake. Snack/coffee in Hygiene. (Add about 12 more miles from Pearl Park and Ride.)
May 11 (Wed) -- 9:00am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Amante Coffee House via Hygiene Rd, Total 30 miles
May 13 (Fri) -- 9:00am
Start: Park & Ride near NW corner of I-25 & Hwy 52
Goal: Platteville, Total: 40 miles (970-785-2238)
May 13 (Fri) -- 8:30am at Pearl Park & Ride, 9:00am Tom Watson
Start: East Pearl or Tom Watson Park west side of IBM
Goal: McKintosh Lake Long Loop - 37 miles from Tom Watson Park
Lake loop extended. North through Hygiene to County road 4 and back south around Mckintosh Lake. Snack/coffee in Hygiene. (Add about 12 more miles from Pearl Park and Ride.)