May 18 (Wed) -- 9:00am CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN
Start: I-25 and 66 (north Longmont). N side of 66, 1/4 east of I-25 behind gas station
Goal: Windsor, Total 47 miles
May 20 (Fri) -- 9:00am CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN
Start: Sol Azteca (now Margaritas) SE Corner of Iris and 28th St.
Goal: Jamestown, 30 miles (303-442-5847)
Tigers (New Date due to Rain)
May 21 (SAT) -- 9:30am Tom Watson
Start: Tom Watson Park west side of IBM
Goal: McKintosh Lake Loop - 37 miles from Tom Watson Park
Lake loop extended. North through Hygiene to County Road 4 (CR4) and back south around Mckintosh Lake. Snack/coffee in Hygiene.