Pacer Rides
Mar 28 (Wed) -- 10:00 am
Start: Stazio Ballfields (see common maps), or at 10:30 at Tom Watson Park, or 11:00am at Pella Crossing
Goal: Berthoud. Stop at Da Bean for lunch/snack
Miles: 52 for Stazio, 44 for Tom Watson, 30 for Pella Crossing
Mar 30 (Fri) -- 10:00 am
Start: Pearl East (see common maps)
Goal: Louisville. Lunch at Bittersweet
Miles: ?? Ride goes along bike path, Cherryvale, Marshall Rd, McCaslin, up Mini-Morgul thru Rock Creek and eventually to Louisville.
Tiger Rides
Mar 28 (Wed) -- 10:00 am - 1:30 pm
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Lyons/Apple Valley. Lunch at Stone Cup