Special Note: Due to the passing last Friday of Phil Howrey please check on last minute changes to the schedule. The visitation schedule is here.
June 22 (Wed) -- 8:00am
Start: Table Mesa (at Savers), via Niwot
Goal: Hygiene, Crane Hollow Cafe, Total 45 miles 303-777-1551
June 24 (Fri) -- 8:00am
Start: East Boulder REC Center
Goal: Ride from E. Boulder Rec Center via a circuitous route, arriving at Martin Park (near Broadway & Table Mesa) around 8:30am for a free Walk & Bike Month breakfast courtesy of Peak Form Physical Therapy, who have sponsored the breakfast. Option to continue after breakfast to Eldorado Springs and return.
Standard Friday Ride NEW RIDE CHOICE!!
June 24 (Fri) --
Note: July rides will start at 9:00am
June 22 (Wed) -- 8:00am leave (see below) - 11:00am
Start: South Walnut Cafe (ride here for breakfast at 7:00am or meet us there at 8:00am if you have breakfast at one of the other Bike to Work Stations) (Savers lot is south of Table Mesa on Broadway)
Goal: Erie via Marshall Rd, Rock Creek, Louisville
June 24 (Fri) -- 8:30am (later time today to match up with Pacers)
Start: Martin Park Picnic Shelter (NE Corner of Table Mesa and Broadway) - leave the SOB Walk & Bike Month breakfast around 8:30-8:45am.
Goal: Berthoud