June 15 (Wed) -- 8:00am
Start: Stazio Fields (south of Valmont/Butte Mill on Stazio Dr.)
Goal: Pepper Jack Cafe, Total 35 miles
June 17 (Fri) -- 8:00am
Start: Margaritas (was Sol Azteca) at 28th and Iris, SE corner
Goal: Jamestown 303-442-5847
Standard Friday Ride NEW RIDE CHOICE!!
June 17 (Fri) -- 9:30am until approx 12:30pm
Start: Tom Watson Park (on 63rd St. behind IBM)
Goal: Berthoud (up 63rd to St. Vrain and over to 75th). The standard Friday ride always starts at Tom Watson Park and always goes by Pella Crossing 35 minutes later.
Note: July rides will start at 9:00am
June 15 (Wed) -- Varies, see next line.
Start: Pearl (7:30am) or Tom Watson (8:00am) or Pella Crossing (8:30am)
Goal: Carter Lake - we'll decide whether to do out-and-back or do the "loop" ride.
June 17 (Fri) -- 8:00am to 12:30pm
Start: Greenbriar (US36 north of Boulder 5 miles, park along side road)
Goal: Greenbriar to Ward to Raymond to Lyons to Greenbriar
Those who don't want to do the loop can turn around at Ward.
June 15 (Wed) -- 8:00am
Start: Stazio Fields (south of Valmont/Butte Mill on Stazio Dr.)
Goal: Pepper Jack Cafe, Total 35 miles
June 17 (Fri) -- 8:00am
Start: Margaritas (was Sol Azteca) at 28th and Iris, SE corner
Goal: Jamestown 303-442-5847
Standard Friday Ride NEW RIDE CHOICE!!
June 17 (Fri) -- 9:30am until approx 12:30pm
Start: Tom Watson Park (on 63rd St. behind IBM)
Goal: Berthoud (up 63rd to St. Vrain and over to 75th). The standard Friday ride always starts at Tom Watson Park and always goes by Pella Crossing 35 minutes later.
Note: July rides will start at 9:00am
June 15 (Wed) -- Varies, see next line.
Start: Pearl (7:30am) or Tom Watson (8:00am) or Pella Crossing (8:30am)
Goal: Carter Lake - we'll decide whether to do out-and-back or do the "loop" ride.
June 17 (Fri) -- 8:00am to 12:30pm
Start: Greenbriar (US36 north of Boulder 5 miles, park along side road)
Goal: Greenbriar to Ward to Raymond to Lyons to Greenbriar
Those who don't want to do the loop can turn around at Ward.