Easy Riders
Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
July 22 (Mon) - 8:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Pepper Jacks
Miles: 36
Notes: via Valmont-75th-Lookout-Kenosha-Erie-CR7-Hwy52 to Pepper Jacks.
Return CR5 and Rue de Trust thru Erie and back on Valmont.
July 24 (Wed) - 8:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Berthoud --> Lighthouse Cafe
Miles: 45
Notes: via Macintosh Lake, CR21, return via CR23
July 26 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Lyons
Miles: 45
Notes: via Niwot and Rabbit Mountain
July 23 (Tue) - SUMMER BREAK!!
July 24 (Wed) - 8:00 am (see below)
Start: Nederland. Walnut St. Bus leaves at 8:03 am. Be at bus station at 7:50 am at the latest. (See further details below.)
Goal: Ward and then Brainard Lake.
Notes: Bring snack for picnic table stop at lakeside. Return downhill to Ward, then home to Boulder by Lee Hill Road, Broadway, etc. Milder temperatures in the mountains, warmer closer to town.
Bring $2.00 exact change for bus ride. (65+) Tiger level ride.
Chugging and chuffing, not run-a-way locomotives, will be the order of movement for most of the day.
July 26 (Fri) - 10:00 am (see below)
Start: Bus N to Nederland at 10:10 am ( NOT the 8:03 am) $2.00 at Walnut St. Bus Terminal.
Goal: Nederland Mining Museum and Gold Hill.
Notes: Ride bus up to Nederland with bike beneath bus. Hop off bus, not forgeting bike, and go across street to recently opened Nederland Mining Museum for a visit, and to have your hard rock mining questions answered, and to examine condition of tools. See what the "good old days" were like and, if being able enough, you really want to go back there. Museum opens at 10:00AM. Entry is free. Afterward, bike north up Peak to Peak hi-way until reaching route 52. Turn east on dirt road that leads to Gold Hill and more "good old days living" on display. Maybe take a short break in Gold HIll, then back down Sunshine Canyon all the way to Boulder, and beyond, if you are on a high. Possible lunch for those that want it in Boulder. Tires that handle dirt road conditions will be your best bet. Rushing is not a requirement for the day.
Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
July 22 (Mon) - 8:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Pepper Jacks
Miles: 36
Notes: via Valmont-75th-Lookout-Kenosha-Erie-CR7-Hwy52 to Pepper Jacks.
Return CR5 and Rue de Trust thru Erie and back on Valmont.
July 24 (Wed) - 8:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Berthoud --> Lighthouse Cafe
Miles: 45
Notes: via Macintosh Lake, CR21, return via CR23
July 26 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields
Goal: Lyons
Miles: 45
Notes: via Niwot and Rabbit Mountain
July 23 (Tue) - SUMMER BREAK!!
July 24 (Wed) - 8:00 am (see below)
Start: Nederland. Walnut St. Bus leaves at 8:03 am. Be at bus station at 7:50 am at the latest. (See further details below.)
Goal: Ward and then Brainard Lake.
Notes: Bring snack for picnic table stop at lakeside. Return downhill to Ward, then home to Boulder by Lee Hill Road, Broadway, etc. Milder temperatures in the mountains, warmer closer to town.
Bring $2.00 exact change for bus ride. (65+) Tiger level ride.
Chugging and chuffing, not run-a-way locomotives, will be the order of movement for most of the day.
July 26 (Fri) - 10:00 am (see below)
Start: Bus N to Nederland at 10:10 am ( NOT the 8:03 am) $2.00 at Walnut St. Bus Terminal.
Goal: Nederland Mining Museum and Gold Hill.
Notes: Ride bus up to Nederland with bike beneath bus. Hop off bus, not forgeting bike, and go across street to recently opened Nederland Mining Museum for a visit, and to have your hard rock mining questions answered, and to examine condition of tools. See what the "good old days" were like and, if being able enough, you really want to go back there. Museum opens at 10:00AM. Entry is free. Afterward, bike north up Peak to Peak hi-way until reaching route 52. Turn east on dirt road that leads to Gold Hill and more "good old days living" on display. Maybe take a short break in Gold HIll, then back down Sunshine Canyon all the way to Boulder, and beyond, if you are on a high. Possible lunch for those that want it in Boulder. Tires that handle dirt road conditions will be your best bet. Rushing is not a requirement for the day.