Aug 29 (Mon) -- 8:00 am
Start: Tom Watson (on 63rd behind IBM)
Goal: Berthoud
Aug 31 (Wed) -- 8:00 am
Start: Pella Crossing (south of Hygiene)
Goal: Loveland. 45 miles.
Sept 2 (Fri) -- 8:00 am
Start: Stazio Fields off of Valmont.
Goal: Pepper Jack's Grill near US52 and I-25
Training Rides
Irregular Tues Ride
Aug 30 (Tue) -- 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Fixed gear ride. Gear limited to 82 to 84 inches (53x17, 50x16, 48x15). Ride to Lyons via Rabbit Mtn (no shifting allowed), and fruit loops. Stop at Barking Dog for refreshments.
Standard Friday Ride
Sept 2 (Fri) -- 8:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Due to heavy weekend traffic, instead of our normal Raymond ride, we'll do the super fruit loop/Lyons ride.
Aug 31 (Wed) -- 8:00 Tom Watson
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Jamestown
Sept 2 (Fri) -- 8:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Lyons - The super fruit loop/Lyons ride.