Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Aug - 9:00 am
Aug 18 (Mon) - 8:00 am
Start: Partridge Open Space/ Leyden Rd/ West 82nd Ave.
Goal: Lookout Mountain
Miles: 33 (2,360 ft of elevation gain)
Notes: Drive south on Hwy 93 go past Hwy 72 and take the 1st left past the intersection of Hwy 72/93 which should be West 82nd Ave commonly called Leyden Rd. After a short distance, you will see a parking lot on the right for the Arvada Open space park.
Aug 20 (Wed) - 8:00 am
Start: Savers (Broadway & Table Mesa)
Goal: Jason's Deli
Miles: 40 (see option for 20 miles below)
Notes: via Westminster Hills. Very hilly (similar to Carter Lake but shorter) Option to eliminate most hills and go straight to Jason's - 20 miles
Aug 22 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Stazio
Goal: Louisville --> Bittersweet
Miles: 40 (30 miles to lunch)
Notes: vial Niwot, Oxford, Erie
Aug 19 (Tue) - 9:00 am
Start: Amante's
Goal: Just around for...
Miles: ...25-30 miles
Notes: Moderate pace, maybe a climb
Aug 20 (Wed) - 8:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Carter Lake
Notes: Carter-backside w/ options and bailouts.