Easy Riders
Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Pacers Lite
Aug 15 (Thur) - 8:30 am
Start: Pearl East
Goal: Louisville ---> Bittersweet (see route below in Notes)
Miles: 25
Notes: Bike path to Cherryvale, Marshall Road to Superior, up hump to Rock Creek, 88th to Dillon Road, Dillon to 96th and into Old town Louisville. Return via Baseline and bike path.
25 Miles at average speed of 12 to 14 miles/hour, waiting at turns, for
tire repair and at the top of longer hills.
For questions: Contact Reed Bailey by clicking on his name.
For Pacer questions, contact Barbara Bennett via email.
(Just click her name and it will automatically start an email for you.)
Aug 12 (Mon) - 8:00 am OR 8:30 am (see next line)
Start: Tom Watson Park OR Pella Crossing at 8:30 am
Goal: Big Loop - see details below
Miles: 38 from TWP or 23 from Pella Crossing
Notes: We will head north to Woodland and go up 83rd (CR21) to CR4, then head east to CR23 and back south to Woodland over "the rollers", then west back to Hygiene. Then stop and get something to eat at Mary's or Crane Hollow or bring something to eat. Crane Hollow has table service with menu. Mary's has coffee and sandwiches and snacks (eat outside).
Aug 14 (Wed) - 8:00 am
Start: Savers (Table Mesa and Broadway)
Goal: Rocky Mtn Metro Airport
Miles: 30
Notes: This was Friday's ride on the schedule, but it has moved to Wed due the Air Show at the airport on Fri, Sat, Sun.
The ride will leave from the parking lot in front of Savers, go east on Marshall Road to McCaslin, up the Wall and east on Hwy 120 to the Rocky Mountain Airport. The snack bar has full sandwiches, cold and hot drinks, etc or you can bring a picnic. Plenty of seating both inside and outside.
Return on the same route for 30 miles.
Aug 16 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Berthoud ---> Da Bean
Miles: 45 ( 50 mi if via Greenway, County Line Rd)
Notes: Ride will go the traditional route to Da Bean for 45 miles. An option would be to go via the Greenway and County Line Rd making the ride 50 miles. Participants choice.
Aug 13 (Tue) - 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park OR Greenbriar at 9:00 am
Goal: 1st Annual Hank Hermes Time Trial
Notes: We'll go from TWP to Left Hand Canyon via Niwot & 36 JCm will handicap riders according to body mass and age. Refreshments at Amante's.
Aug 14 (Wed) - 8:30 am
Start: Pearl East
Goal: Metro Airport --->Lunch at Blue Sky Bistro
Notes: Usual ride to airport via Cherryvale-Marshal-Wall-128.
August 16 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Lyons ---> Fruit Loops
Notes: Snacks at Mary's on return. Posted by Art.
Call Marion Gately at 303-443-7623 for time and meeting location of the next ride.
Pacers Lite
Aug 15 (Thur) - 8:30 am
Start: Pearl East
Goal: Louisville ---> Bittersweet (see route below in Notes)
Miles: 25
Notes: Bike path to Cherryvale, Marshall Road to Superior, up hump to Rock Creek, 88th to Dillon Road, Dillon to 96th and into Old town Louisville. Return via Baseline and bike path.
25 Miles at average speed of 12 to 14 miles/hour, waiting at turns, for
tire repair and at the top of longer hills.
For questions: Contact Reed Bailey by clicking on his name.
For Pacer questions, contact Barbara Bennett via email.
(Just click her name and it will automatically start an email for you.)
Aug 12 (Mon) - 8:00 am OR 8:30 am (see next line)
Start: Tom Watson Park OR Pella Crossing at 8:30 am
Goal: Big Loop - see details below
Miles: 38 from TWP or 23 from Pella Crossing
Notes: We will head north to Woodland and go up 83rd (CR21) to CR4, then head east to CR23 and back south to Woodland over "the rollers", then west back to Hygiene. Then stop and get something to eat at Mary's or Crane Hollow or bring something to eat. Crane Hollow has table service with menu. Mary's has coffee and sandwiches and snacks (eat outside).
Aug 14 (Wed) - 8:00 am
Start: Savers (Table Mesa and Broadway)
Goal: Rocky Mtn Metro Airport
Miles: 30
Notes: This was Friday's ride on the schedule, but it has moved to Wed due the Air Show at the airport on Fri, Sat, Sun.
The ride will leave from the parking lot in front of Savers, go east on Marshall Road to McCaslin, up the Wall and east on Hwy 120 to the Rocky Mountain Airport. The snack bar has full sandwiches, cold and hot drinks, etc or you can bring a picnic. Plenty of seating both inside and outside.
Return on the same route for 30 miles.
Aug 16 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Berthoud ---> Da Bean
Miles: 45 ( 50 mi if via Greenway, County Line Rd)
Notes: Ride will go the traditional route to Da Bean for 45 miles. An option would be to go via the Greenway and County Line Rd making the ride 50 miles. Participants choice.
Aug 13 (Tue) - 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Start: Tom Watson Park OR Greenbriar at 9:00 am
Goal: 1st Annual Hank Hermes Time Trial
Notes: We'll go from TWP to Left Hand Canyon via Niwot & 36 JCm will handicap riders according to body mass and age. Refreshments at Amante's.
Aug 14 (Wed) - 8:30 am
Start: Pearl East
Goal: Metro Airport --->Lunch at Blue Sky Bistro
Notes: Usual ride to airport via Cherryvale-Marshal-Wall-128.
August 16 (Fri) - 8:00 am
Start: Tom Watson Park
Goal: Lyons ---> Fruit Loops
Notes: Snacks at Mary's on return. Posted by Art.